Selasa, 11 November 2008

See How Easily You Can Unlock Oracle 10g Account

You’re seeing too many of those “Oracle how to” and list headlines, and want to try a few different way? Since people truly seemed to find how to unlock oracle 10g account in Oracle System Account is Locked that has been searched by many people, I thought I’d share a few more.

Here is a tip to Unlock Oracle 10g Account, make sure you have the sysdba account.
Open your oracle console 
sqlplus /nolog 
connect / as sysdba 
alter user USER_NAME_TO_UNLOCK account unlock; 

See How Easily You Can Unlock Oracle 10g Account ;). You can buy Oracle Database Guide to learn more.

Interesting reading:
Goblin’s Squidoo 
LiveCycle on WebSphere with Oracle - Avoid Hyphens in Tablespace and User Names 
Center for Internet Security Releases Oracle Database 11g Security Benchmark

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